How to Promote Cognitive Development and Abilities in Children?
Being a parent is not an easy job and nobody can replace how a parent loves his child. Any parent would do everything for the sake of his child.
But have you ever wondered about what else can you do to your child’s for him to be the best?
“There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.”
– Henry Ward Beecher
So with that, here are 10 best ways to improve your child’s cognitive skills and abilities.
Practice Labeling Your Household
Labeling allows children to know that everything has a set of common symbols to be identified. If your child is old enough to recognize letters, it would be easier practicing this. Pick just one or two items to a label in your house, such as the refrigerator, windows, and chairs, and rotate the labeled objects every few months.
Then type, print, and cut out individual words and use blue painter’s tape (which allows for easy removal) to adhere them to objects. You can also glue the words to index cards and stick them on objects.
If she is still too young, point out different letters and introduce her to the words. You can do this concept daily, your child will be able to identify the words independently.
Exercise with your child
Exercise is important for brain development, so as cognitive thinking. It is through exercise and physical activity that a child oxygenate the brain more rapidly and this helps it grow.
They establish better synaptic connections that help in a quicker brain to muscle nerve response through the development of their motor skills.
Getting outdoors enables fresh air intake and provides a healthier environment for physical growth. However, swimming is the best exercise of all, since it incorporates all muscle groups.
Practice the Alphabet
You can help your child identify letters by singing along to the “Alphabet Song”. You can also read books about the alphabet and play with alphabet puzzles with them.
Play an easy game with them to improve their ability in identifying letters in the Alphabet. You can cut out individual squares that feature each letter of the alphabet written in bright colors.
Have a good night sleep with them
Sleep helps the brain recharge and process all the information acquired during each day. A child needs eight to ten hours of good, quality sleep in order to regenerate and energize itself.
The time right before bedtime should be utilized by parents to focus on the positive events of the day and assertive ways of showing affection.
This will create a sense of well-being, resulting in positive dreams that spark imagination and creativity.
Sing with them a long song
Encourage singing in the car, while playing at home and during bath time. If your child attends daycare or preschool, ask the teacher for the class’s favorites songs and reinforce them at home.
Teach songs to grandparents and babysitters so that all of the important people in your child’s life will be involved in this lighthearted activity.
Your child will start learning through song as she recites letters, numbers, days of the week, and body parts to melodic tunes. This activity helps promote memory and word identification
Visit New and Interesting Places
Get familiar with your town by pointing out the supermarket, fire station, gas station, and other places of interest. As you pass each place, discuss the details of these neighborhood staples.
This includes who works there, the purpose of your visit, and what items you find inside. Then draw or print pictures of these places and put them on index cards along with their details. The next time you’re out with your child, refer to these “neighborhood” cards.
Play Variety of Games
Play a variety of games with your child to encourage problem solving and creativity. If your child is younger, the two of you can build with blocks and play “Peek-a-Boo.” As he gets older, you can engage him in board games, puzzles and play “Hide and Seek.”
Arrange a Scavenger Hunt. Children are natural investigators and they love to explore. Scavenger hunts can be created beforehand or invented on the spot.
At the supermarket, search for foods that are one specific color (like orange) or look for objects of one shape (like a square) around the house. Send your child on a fun mission to locate the items in the house.
Try Measuring Up
Using your everyday items, teach your child to measure. Although a ruler is the most common measuring tool, experiment with months, seasons, or time of year to make the learning process interesting.
For extra fun, discover how many of your child’s books it will take to cover your bed. Always count as you lay down the different objects, and soon your child will be counting and measuring in all different ways!
Choose healthy food for them
Healthy brain development requires healthy food. Parents should provide their children with a versatile and nutritious diet, which incorporates fresh produce, meat, and dairy products.
Foods rich in protein are essential for growing brains by letting the brain gain more mass. Moreover, Omega-3 fats (found in fish, nuts, and eggs) help in concentration, knowledge acquisition, and logical thinking. So, incorporating them into your child’s diet will certainly help in their cognitive development.
Ask Them Questions
Take trips to your local children’s museum, library or farmer’s market to stimulate his curiosity and provide him with “hand on” experiences.
Another way to help your child learn to think for himself is to ask him questions: “Which toy should we pick up first when we clean up the living room? Or “Why is it important to walk down the stairs slowly?”
Asking him questions helps him learn how to problem solve and better understand how his environment works.
What's your best way to improve your child's cognitive skills and abilities? Share your tips with us!
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